
Friday Night Funkin’ - Psych Engine

Engine originally used on Mind Games Mod, intended to be a fix for the vanilla version’s many issues while keeping the casual play aspect of it. Also aiming to be an easier alternative to newbie coders.


Follow a Friday Night Funkin’ source code compilation tutorial, after this you will need to install LuaJIT.

You can do this with: haxelib install linc_luajit on a Command prompt/PowerShell

…Or if you don’t want your mod to be able to run .lua scripts, delete the “LUA_ALLOWED” line on Project.xml


Special Thanks


Attractive animated dialogue boxes:

Mod Support

Atleast one change to every week:

Week 1:

Cool new Chart Editor changes and countless bug fixes

Multiple editors to assist you in making your own Mod


Story mode menu rework:

Credits menu



Options menu:

Other gameplay features: